Partner Visa: Apply with Australian or New Zealander partner. What’s the difference?

16 Dec 2021 by RC Migration

To apply for a Couple Visa it is essential that your spouse is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or a citizen of New Zealand. However, for each case there is a completely different pathway:


Australian Couple

If your partner is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia, you can apply for a Partner Visa 820, which is a temporary visa that will allow you to apply for permanent residence through Partner Visa 801.

The cost of applying for these visas is $ 7,850 and your Permanent Residence will take 2 to 4 years.


New Zealander couple

If your partner is a New Zealand citizen, you will have to apply for the 461 New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa.

This visa is Temporary for 5 years and does NOT take you to Permanent Residence, although you can renew this visa at the end of the 5 years. The cost of this visa is $ 370 and the response time can last from 20 to 31 months.

If you want to know more about how to apply for the Partner Visa, stay tuned to our social networks. If what you want is a personalized consultation to make your migration plan, book a consultation here >

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